Fashion Anthropology
‘Looking through a rose-tinted lens’


To create an exhibition piece as a team to investigate the relationship between identity and fashion. As a team, we chose to create a photography outcome accumulated into a slideshow, exploring the concept of ‘Looking through a rose-tinted lens’ to visualise the world of fashion creatively.

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Format & Approach

We organised a photoshoot across different locations, edited a selection of the
 chosen images with pink accents and compiled them into a slideshow which was 
displayed on a screen at an NTU creative fashion exhibition. The photographs portray
 fashion through the decades, showing how each garment has maintained a place in
 society and our fashion choices today. The colour pink represents looking towards  a sustainable, united and optimistic future and pink itself is considered a colour of hope 
and new beginnings. Our outcome considered the psychology of pink and, more 
importantly, how it evokes a sense of unity, calm and ageless beauty.


Throughout this project, my team ensured we worked collaboratively and communicated well to produce a cohesive outcome which represented each team member's strengths to a high and professional standard. This allowed us to develop our collaborative skills, concept development, photography, and Adobe Photoshop. Personally, throughout this project, I developed my relationship-building skills and collaborative problem-solving, learning how to navigate problems which can naturally arise during group projects.

Creative Communicator — UK Based

@gc.fcp /